
Get the iOS app

Step 1

Open a browser on your computer and go to the hockeyapp page for the app. Then click on the QR Code button on the top right:


Step 2

When the QR code appears, use any QR code scanner app on your iOS device to scan it.


Step 3

The install page will be opened in the Safari browser on your device. Tap the install button to install the mobile application


Step 4

If you get an “Untrusted App Developer” alert
Please follow these steps:
In iOS 9.1 and below, go to Settings → General → Profiles → tap on AXON IVY AG → tap on Trust button
In iOS 9.2 and above, go to Settings → General → Profiles & Device Management → tap on AXON IVY AG → tap on Trust button

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Alternatively you can open the hockeyapp page directly on your iOS device and install the app.